♥1.play footsy under the table when out at dinner with friends.
♥2.keep a picture in your wallet always.
♥3.send cards for no reason except to say i love you. (mira como esta el pinche planeta y tu gastando papel por mamadas)
♥4.leave a message on the answering machine.
♥5.dedicate a song to them on the radio.
♥6.plant a tree together.
♥7.make up a secret love code and use it in conversation with a crowd of friends.(no engañas a nadie nisiquiera tienes el intelecto to pull this one off)
♥8.write a series of love letters and send them anonymously.
♥9.send an e-kiss over the internet.
♥10.come home early as a surprise.
♥11.place an advert in the "found" column of a newspaper.
♥12.write a love message and leave it under the pillow.
♥13.write a personal love poem.
♥14.write it in the condensation on the bathroom mirror.
♥15.hire a sport car for the day and take them to nice place for lunch.
♥16.drink champagne in the bath
.♥17.be spontaneous- shout out "i love you" in the supermarket.
♥18.say it every day. (say what every day)
♥19.take a walk along the beach on a cold day and write it in the sand.(why if there isent a beach were i live,me prometiste me prometiste 52 formas de decir te amo no 51)
♥20.serenade them with your song.
♥21.pay off their credit card.
♥22.write it "backwards" in the dirt on their car's back window.
♥23.cook a special meal - if you can't pay some one else.
♥24.keep every card,letter or photograph they give you in a special place. open it up on your anniversary and reminisce together.
♥25.sponsor a pair of love birds at the zoo.
♥26.hold hands in puplic.
♥27.crave it in a tree.
♥28.write it in food.(esto simplemente esta creepy y sucio)
♥29.give her your jacket when it's cold.(and dont expect to get it back any time soon i speake forme experience)
♥30.send a red rose for every day,week or year you've been together ( depending on the length of your relationship and the size of your wallet! ) .
♥31.buy a packet of love hearts and sneak them into a coat pocket.(and watch how the ants kill your lover)
♥32.make a special anniversary card.
♥33.get a tattoo and keep it a secret between you.(and die out of an infecction)
♥34.give them some money as a surprise and tell them to buy something just for themselves.
(ahi un sinonimo pa esta "pagale a tu puta"=)

♥35.walk up and down outside their office with an " i love you " sign.(para que se ria de como te empina la seguridad)
♥36.let them lie in and bring breakfast in bed.(and make a mess)
♥37.organise a meal at a romantic restayrant in advance. so when you arrive, the table is covered in flowers and gifts.(good luck finding a restayrant)
♥38.cut out the letters " i love you " and post them every day for eight days.
♥39.secretly learn how to massage and surprise them with your new skills.
♥40.buy a box of chocolates and put one on the pillow every night.
♥41.send them your last Rolo.
♥42.make a tape of yourself reading a love poem and secretly put it in the car stereo so it automatically plays when they next switch on.
♥43.fill their handbag or briefcase with cut out hearts.
♥44.keep her lipstick marked coffee cup(creepy!!).
♥45.go to see a romantic film at the cinema and sit on the back row.(so you can take turns giving out blowjobs)
♥46.always kiss goodnight. (have you ever wondered if your mom gave your dad a blowjob right before she kissed you goodnight)
♥47.when they go away, hide a note or present in their suitcase to find later.
♥48.invent a cocktail and name it after them.
♥49.write it in the early morning dew outside their window.
♥50.take a picnic and go back to the place you first met.
♥51.open a joint bank account.
♥52.learn to say

I LOVE YOU in 10 different languages:
French - Je t'aime,
German - Iche liebe dich,
Greek - S'ayapo,
Hawaiian - Aloha wav'ia oe,
Italian - Ti amo,
KLingon - Qabang,
Latin - Te amo,
Russian - Ya vas liubliu,
Spanish - Te quiero, (wrong)
Zulu - Mena tanda wena.

♥53.Cry.(porque nigun ser humano aguanta tanta pinche mamada,pa cuando termines la 52 la ruca o bato ya te dejo)

Ps: una ves me dijieron que era cursi y catolico,I think I proveed my point.

1 comentarios:


19 de abril de 2009, 21:43

esas son MAMADAS!
Y está bien pedorro tu post, hubieras agregado más comentarios en el paréntesis D: